Monthly Archives: April 2008

Life…choose it

Life is not about who is right or wrong.  It is not about one interpretation over another.  Its about Jesus! Plain and simple…its about the highs and lows of walking with our Savior through valleys as well as mountain top experiences.  Its about being a servant to those who offend us, and bringing Glory to our King, through our faithfulness to HIM.  In the view of eternity, life on earth is a blink of an eye.  God made us from nothing..I can not think of one thing that I can make from nothing.  Yet we all think we are something.

I don’t want to become a thinker who never does…I want to be both.  With one foot in the here and now and one in eternity.  I believe that is how it is.  So I need to measure my behavior against not only what do people see when they look at me, but also what does all of heaven see when they look at me.  My days are numbered, and I don’t know when they will end, but today I tremble at the thought that if I stand before my King now, will I have wasted time here that was planned for service to HIM.  I pray for HIM to help me to measure my days, according to HIS great purpose, not a plan of my own.  I pray that I will accept every thing that He offers me, and use it to HIS Glory. 

Sometimes this life is hard, and the road I am on is sometimes an uphill climb, and I grow weary.  Just a small time to focus on Jesus and how very beautiful HE is to me…and all this mountian climbing becomes do-able. Is it worth it?  HE is worth it!  When all of heaven is looking at me..I want my Father to smile and say “that’s my girl, and just look how she believes me, just look how she is relentless in the climb.”  I want everything HE has planned for me, and I don’t want to miss a minute of it, not even to detour for a few of what looks like a good time…not that I am refusing a good time, I just want HIM to pick them for me! 

Have a good rest of the week..PEACE…back on sunday..we have wedding to get rolling…and what a blessed time it will be…How great is our God!


Filed under random thoughts

I Want It!


Ephesians 1:17-21 (NASB) (Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians)

 17that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. 18I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might 20which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. 

First off! I believe all scripture to be God breathed,inspired, and 100% truth for me.  My MY MY could Paul pray a prayer, that gets the Spirit just moving in me!  Woooooo! This whole chapter is loaded with treasure for the believer, who reads it and takes it to heart.  I love prayer, I believe without a doubt that it is the highest honor and gift that the Father has given us. What a privilege to come before the King of Kings and open my mouth with my puny requests.  Yet HE is eager for me to do that.  Yet, I am even more sure that HE wants us to think bigger, know HIS power and that we will never ever need anything in this world that will require more power than raising the dead!  Can you just entertain that thought?  What on earth could we possibly need that would need more power than that?  HE wants us to ask for these things…we can have wisdom and revelation in knowlege of knowing HIM. HE wants to enlighten our hearts with the purpose of HIS calling, HE wants us to know the riches of our inheritance, which is ours as HIS children.  Everything is under HIS authority, and we need to know HIM more, and to not be content in what we know, but hunger for more of HIM.  Our Father God, wants to give us great things-right here on earth-in this day to day life we have, but all of the spiritual wealth kind.  HE just wants us to want it.  HE wants our hearts to be desperate for more of HIM, to believe who HE is, and HIS capablities without restrictions or limits.  Our God is so Awesome, and truly the only one who is worthy of that word!

If you want to pray for me, pray this prayer of Pauls for me, and know I am praying for you the readers (and lurkers, I so know you are there).  This has been burning in my heart for a few days, I want it!  I want it! I want it!   If you are feeling like you are not sure if you want it, pray to want it! 



Filed under Jesus, Ministry, princess entries, reflections

It’s Friday, Hallelujah

Yes the Hallelujah Chorus is running through my head at this very moment!  🙂

This hasn’t been a bad week, just a trying week with many different schedules, and preparations for one daughters birthday, and anothers wedding.  But isn’t our God good! HE totally blows my mind in how HE can take a very trying week, and show me how close HE is to me.  At times it was definitely me laying back on HIS lap while HE made things happen.  So many times this week I was applauded for my accomplishments, and honestly it was not me…It was all my precious King, who truly just sweeps me up and makes me smile, and turns bad to good.  HE makes my paths smooth, even when I think it is one wild ride…I look back and realize HE really did pull it all off, and is truly my strength.   Michelle, at  has an awesome post about HIS strength in our weakness, that and the comments truly helped me stay focused this week. 

Lately, my favorite down time has been with HIM, and I love to dance with HIM…this truly is the greatest romance…HE knows all about me, and everything I have done and will do…HE loves me unconditionally.  I was a prodigal, and HE has welcomed me home with outstretched arms, and we dance…If I could have one moment with the brother of the prodigal this is what I would say to him;

How I praise our Father that you did not have to go the road I went, how very much you must know that HE loves you.  And although you may feel like I have been blessed beyond you, I would give you all that I have to keep you from walking away in anger.  Sometimes you wish you had my testimony, and mostly I wish I had yours, so maybe we could try to walk this thing out together, and show the world that HE adores us both, and show some love, and some forgiveness, and acceptance.

I don’t know if the prodigal ever reached out his hand to his brother, the Bible doesn’t say anything about that, but I feel sorry for his brother that his anger cost him to miss the party.  If you could say something to the prodigal or the brother, what would you say to him??


Filed under Jesus, princess entries, reflections

Bus Saga-Jesus loves the Children

Yes the bus saga continues!!  The last few days on my bus God has really put it on my heart just how very much HE loves the children.  Here is a few things that happened recently…

Nate, fourth grader, announced to me that his step-dad died over the weekend.  I expressed my sorrow for him, and that I know it is a hard thing to go through.  NO! that was not his point…his point was that he is being raised by his grandparents as his mother abandoned him for this husband.  Now his fear was she may want him back…can you imagine being a little boy who has already experienced so much hurt in rejection, and after two years, his worst nightmare has returned?  Right or wrong..I prayed for God to let him stay where he is, or do a total over haul of this womans heart.

Took a bunch of field trips lately, so teachers are with the students….They are so mean to them!  No patience!  I watched little happy faces go totally to tears, in 60 seconds…one teacher was so rude and nasty, that I interjected…I interrupted her..and announced that I needed all their attention, as I have a few very easy rules on my bus…they were under control in minutes…third graders…come on!! A couple parents who were along thanked me as they got out of the bus.  Words cut, and such impressionable little minds…Angry adults spilling thier poison on little children…The teacher did explain to me that she is having a bad day ( its 9:30 in the morning!)  I did pray for her anyway, and for me to not take her out of the bus and whoop her! 

Jesus protect the children, we often pray for the ones in other countries, but also protect the ones right here…help these negative things to have no impression on them, fill them will childrens joy..giggles, smiles, and give them your HOPE that things are not all bad, and you love them, and want them.  I know YOU love the children!


Filed under random thoughts

MEME-Twinkle tagged me!

Here is how it goes…6 unimportant random things…

1.  Only some of my daffodils actually even got a bloom on them…not important just wondering, huh?

2.  I am allergy-asthmatic, air conditioning works real well for this.

3. I think I am already missing my students on my bus..and I still have 30 days of school yet.

4. I have a mark on my nose, from a chemical at the military factory I used to work at…it only bothers others.

5. I feel too young to be this old.

6.  I love to read, I need a new book.

I now need to tag six people to do the same…

Steph, Rochelle, Trina, Praise365, Love(LwBUT), Michelle   (all are on my blogroll–if there were seven things to #7 …I still haven’t figured out my wordpress..and its doing the essentials soooo I am good with that!)



Filed under random thoughts

Even when I don’t know…

Today was a hard day, not because anything went wrong, just because my focus seem to be strained.  I just couldn’t seem to figure out you ever have days like that? Then to top off my afternoon, I looked at my hand and noticed that I lost my diamond, it just fell out of the setting, and knowing that where I have been today, in a dusty stoney bus terminal, that it was very unlikely that I would find it.  So sadness overcame me.  Not because it was so priceless, but because of what it meant to me, how very special it has been for 14 years.  My hubs picked it out by himself, and it fit perfectly, I was totally surprised, no clue that he was even getting it for me.  So you get the pic that it meant alot to my heart.  I prayed, for the sadness to leave me, and to be able to rejoice in HIM anyway.

I have a bad habit of beating myself up when I feel like I have failed, and at that moment I felt that I failed to take care of my ring good enough.  Next I thought of how much I love to study God’s word, but haven’t spent as much time there as I have in the past, and how I kind of stay away from conversations that are honestly over my head, and again feel not good enough to be in those debates.  Because honestly I DON”T KNOW!  I DON”T KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS, I DON’T KNOW how things work exactly, I DON’T KNOW how God pulls things together or how HE is going to keep HIS promises to me….I DON’T KNOW…I don’t know…but HE encouraged my heart to day…after I was resolved that God must not want me to have my diamond anymore, my son bent down and picked it up off the floor of the bus, after 60 kids climbed in and out, and said “is this it?”  And it is!! So after thanking HIM for Derek and his great find….I reflected on how good HE is to me.  And how much I love HIM…headed back to my study where I am searching out shadows of the cross throughout the Old testament…but stopped to check on TAM, and found this   if you don’t spend the eight minutes to watch this you will surely miss out on something so precious…you see this is the missing piece I was looking for as to “how far back in the Bible does God show HIS plan for redemption..HIS signature/HIS shadow of the cross”…i watched this video and it resonated on me, and I cried, and then I rejoiced, and then I realized HE had filled me with more joy over this information than I had finding my diamond…HE is truly more precious to me than any earthly thing!  As I praise HIM for caring so much and holding on to me through everything…I pray that you also fall in love with your Creator, HE loves and cares and never takes HIS eyes off of us, Even When We Don’t Know!


Filed under random thoughts