In the Presence of my Enemies

(Trying blog on my iPhone -good luck eh?)

Psalm 23 says God prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies.
Zephaniah 3:18-20 God says he will comfort me, calm my heart with his unfailing love, He watches over me, He sings joyful songs over me. He restores me, in the presence of my enemies. Then He says “I, the LORD, have spoken!”

I believe Him. As once again He dries my tears, calms my heart, and shows me what it looks like to be on His arm. How He lifts my head, fills me with peace and strength to walk in front of my enemies. But His strength and power is phenomenal ! Now I pray for mercy for my enemies.

Learning to walk with Him closer than ever. I need your prayers for this journey. More than that, please pray for your enemies.


Filed under random thoughts

new beginnings

Now that a new plateau has been reached, a new blog is in order. My Mac still needs repaired, so I am going to attempt a new creation using my kindle Fire. Insert crooked grin. 

This may take awhile….but the creative juices are flowing, and the positive thoughts are plentiful!


Stay tuned, will let you know when I am up and running. Peace and love

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Filed under random thoughts

Sex, drugs, and rock n roll

Just kidding ! Well rock n roll still lives here! Randomness is on.. You’ve been warned!

Life is new. I’m awake, taking in all that’s new with hope of a new beginning.  Feeling random. It’s been a long time since a good random rambling! Here we go, hold on….

Ever meet someone and there eyes are incredible and sparkly. Lol yes I did stare! Beautiful blue sparkly eyes! 

Ever randomly decide to buy coffee and go to the river? Yes, I do that.

Ever break 

Keep losing my post… Dang iPhone! I really need to get my Mac fixed..

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Filed under random thoughts

Broken Kingdom Living

Broken world, Broken people, Broken promises.

Believing that I may have to be broken to see how very broke the world is, and God’s children are.

The beauty in the brokeness is heightened. Senses are stronger, and compassion is easy to feel and extend. No tolerance for those  misleading others.  Reaching out to help another stand when crawling is what you are doing. This is Kingdom living,

Somewhere thru the years, we have been taught that Christians are together people, nothing bad happens to them, and if it does they are being punished. No truth in that! They wear phony smiles, and have condemning eyes. They think that being an odd people means to button the top button, and have no sense of style, to stand out in fashion. Oh but it should be to stand out in Heart! Being a Christ follower is a heart change, that is odd to the world. Love should fill your eyes, and compassion is a normal reaction.

We walk thru our pains, and struggles. None of us perfect. No one has it all figured out. We live in a broken world, we are broken people.  This is Kingdom living. The Kingdom is here, and we are on a search and rescue mission. The power of God goes before us, and the love of Christ motivates us. We are not the elite, we are losers, screw ups. We don’t impress the elite crowd, and we don’t want to. We are beautiful chaotic messes. We are the bride of Christ. Kingdom living…willing to drown in pain to grab you out. Join me, stop the rituals, we have lots to do.

May God empower you, fill you with joy while hurting, give you love for the unlovely. May you have a dance in your step, a song on your lips, and a heart that sees the Kingdom working around, thru and in you. Step up, take your place…


Filed under random thoughts

Wearing His Ring

Struggling for a year. Struggling with what it means – “God is husband to the widow”. I am fully aware that He does not interpret things as I do, and His ways are higher than mine, and so on. I know the theology.  But what does that mean to me; a girl, lost without her soulmate, a mother who desperately wants to continue to point her children to what is eternal and not temperal, working harder than ever?

One year ago, God spoke to me. “I will be your husband , I will take care of you, this is bigger than you know, believe me”.  He has taken care of me, life is hard but it continues to come together. Blessed in the midst of heart ache.


-Grieving does not require anyone to fix me, I am not that kind of broken.

-climbing up on His lap, and holding on, hiding in Him, is my comfort.

-He gives me what I need, a job with amazing people, a free place to take my children to get away. (that is the nicest place i have ever stayed.) Money to live and meet my responsibilities.

-He gives me what thrills my heart.  A spectacular sunset, a bird singing, sunshine, warm temperature in the middle of the frozen east coast.

How does all this tie together? He is the lover of my soul. His bride is in pain, her heart breaks over and over. He promises to dry every tear, but first there must be tears to dry. We are promised victory, but first there is a battle.

Today I found a ring, that fits like it was made for me, instant love for this ring. Decided I will wear it, and remember He is my husband, and we are not home yet. This is all part of Kingdom living…



Filed under battles, believe, Blessed, God's plan, healing, hope, Kingdom living, life, loss, ponderisms, presence of God, princess entries, provision, relationship

sunset calming

sunset calming

Healing comes in all shapes, sizes, colors. Oh Lord continue to heal and restore.

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January 31, 2014 · 7:42 PM