Daily Archives: August 19, 2010

the ONLY unchanging ONE

Just came from my friend Gracie’s blog, and she inspired this in me.  (click the link and see if that post doesn’t move your heart..thats God calling..definintely)

So often we forget what God means when HE tells us to love.  So often we pick and choose what that love should look like in us.  While reading her blog I thought of a song that said “Jesus said to love like him, then HE died for me…can i be like my Jesus” (from My Jesus, by Todd Agnew)

While pondering on this…it all comes down to know HIM, loving HIM, and understanding that there is nothing we can do to earn HIS love, and if we got what we are entitled…to put it bluntly..we would get Hell an eternal seperation from our Holy God.

My love for HIM is rekindled pondering on who HE is.  HE doesn’t need us or anything we can do, HE wants us…the ONLY unchanging ONE

The Only unchanging One, by Todd Agnew


Filed under Amazement, Beautiful, blessings, conversing with God, encouragement, God, Grace, hope, Jesus, Kingdom living, Love, Only One God, Only ONE Gospel, ponderisms, princess entries, relationship, Todd Agnew, unchanging, video